Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a crucial component of healthcare to help augment physicians and make them more efficient. In medical imaging, it is helping radiologists more efficiently manage PACS worklists, enable structured reporting, auto detect injuries and diseases, and to pull in relevant prior exams and patient data. In cardiology, AI is helping automate tasks and measurements on imaging and in reporting systems, guides novice echo users to improve imaging and accuracy, and can risk stratify patients. AI includes deep learning algorithms, machine learning, computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, and convolutional neural networks. 

artificial intelligence bipartisan regulation congress

Is regulating AI one pursuit that can unite a polarized Congress? 5 reasons to hope so

America’s two major political parties are talking in practical unison about working things out over a common cause.

June 22, 2023
Doctor Computer

ChatGPT excels at differential diagnostics in hard cases

Today’s generative AI—namely ChatGPT-4—is pretty darned good at parsing out probable diseases in difficult-to-diagnose patient cases.

June 20, 2023
artificial intelligence hospital patients

Implementing point-of-care AI? 5 firm facts to keep in mind

If healthcare AI is to flourish outside of academic research settings and industry R&D departments, it will need to win over its most difficult-to-impress audience: healthcare workers in hospitals.

June 15, 2023
AI artificial intelligence stethoscope doctor

American Medical Association to advise on the use of AI in medicine

The goal is to inform users on how to best utilize AI tools while also practicing caution, as many are still in their early stages of deployment and can pose risks. 

June 13, 2023
mental health talk therapy large language AI ChatGPT

AI in mental healthcare: 5 questions & answers

It stands to reason that the branch of healthcare most reliant on the use of language in clinical practice would embrace large language AI. But is U.S. mental healthcare on board with the notion?

June 13, 2023

Clinics tap GPT-4 to ease charting burden, improve patient care

The hope is that the GPT-4-based notes assistant will ease the burden of manual charting on physicians while also offering patients more personalized visit summaries, Carbon Health announced June 5. 

June 9, 2023
Medical student artificial intelligence training

Medical educators encouraged to equip physicians-to-be with 4 AI competencies

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have developed an elective course that can quickly transform fourth-year medical students from functional AI novices to budding AI experts.

June 6, 2023
USA China artificial intelligence race

China’s AI concerns presented for public consumption

Tech-enabled risks are top of mind for the head of the Chinese Communist Party—and AI is prominent among these.

June 2, 2023

Around the web

Half a year after President Biden officially directed federal agencies in the executive branch’s bailiwick to “seize the promise and manage the risks” of AI, the White House has posted a status report.

U.S. physicians often receive payments from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. New research in JAMA found a connection between receiving such payments and using specific devices—should the industry be concerned? 

Five of the largest U.S. medical societies focused on cardiovascular health are one step closer to seeing their paradigm-shifting proposal become a reality.

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