Health IT

Healthcare information (HIT) systems are designed to connect all the elements together for patient data, reports, medical imaging, billing, electronic medical record (EMR), hospital information system (HIS), PACS, cardiology information systems (CVIS)enterprise image systemsartificial intelligence (AI) applications, analytics, patient monitors, remote monitoring systems, inventory management, the hospital internet of things (IOT), cloud or onsite archive/storage, and cybersecurity.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into radiology PACS and enterprise imaging systems has become a big topic of discussion with IT vendors over the past couple years. This has become a bigger question from hospitals and radiology groups as there are now about 400 radiology related AI algorithms that have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance. Amy Thompson, a senior analyst at Signify Research, is monitoring radiology AI trends. Photo by Dave Fornell

Trends in the adoption and integration of AI into radiology workflows

Amy Thompson, a senior analyst at Signify Research, explains why AI adoption has been slow in radiology, common barriers and trends in the market.

February 17, 2023
Amy Thompson, a senior analyst at Signify Research, explains what she is seeing in the market for radiology PACS. She said the biggest overall strategic technology trends are wider adoption of enterprise imaging systems expanding beyond radiology to include other departments, migration to cloud data storage, and adoption of artificial intelligence. Components of these integrate into the 5 trends in radiology IT systems outlined below.

5 key trends in PACS and enterprise imaging from Signify Research

Signify Research explains several key trends in the evolution of radiology PACS and enterprise imaging systems, including adoption of artificial intelligence, streamlining workflow, implementing structured reporting and more.

February 15, 2023

Another ransomware warning for healthcare providers: North Korean attacks

Healthcare and public health organizations have been alerted to another ransomware threat––this time from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

February 14, 2023

Q&A: What healthcare providers should do after a data breach

Health Exec caught up with Rob Kim, chief technology officer at digital solutions provider Presidio, to understand what healthcare organizations should do after a data breach.

February 14, 2023
Why is cloud computing is being adopted in radiology? Amy Thompson, a senior analyst at Signify Research, explains what she is seeing in radiology PACS and enterprise imaging system in the market in terms of cloud adoption. She said there has been rising interest in adopting cloud over the past few years, and the COVID pandemic showed amity healthcare systems the value of having a cloud-based system for easier remote access to patient data and imaging.

Cloud storage helps solve radiology IT and cybersecurity issues and is growing

Amy Thompson, a senior analyst at Signify Research, explains why radiology is rapidly adopting cloud data storage solutions.


February 13, 2023
An example of artificial intelligence (AI) automated detection of a intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) in. a CT scan used to send alerts to the stroke acute care team before a radiologist even sees the exam. Example shown by TeraRecon at RSNA 2022.

FDA has now cleared more than 500 healthcare AI algorithms

More than 500 clinical AI algorithms have now been cleared by the FDA, with the majority just in the past couple years.

February 6, 2023
An example of an FDA cleared radiology AI algorithm to automatically take a cardiac CT scan and identify, contour and quantify soft plaque in the coronary arteries. The Cleerly software then generates an automated report with images, measurements and a risk assessment for the patient. This type of quantification is too time consuming and complex for human readers to bother with, but AI assisted reports like this may become a new normal over the next decade. Example from Cleerly Imaging at SCCT 2022.

Legal considerations for artificial intelligence in radiology and cardiology

There are now more than 520 FDA-cleared AI algorithms and the majority are for radiology and cardiology, raising the question of who is liable if the AI gets something wrong.

February 3, 2023

Interoperability among hospitals is improving

Overall, hospital engagement in three domains of interoperability––receiving data, finding data and integrating data––have significantly increased since 2017.

February 3, 2023

Around the web

Half a year after President Biden officially directed federal agencies in the executive branch’s bailiwick to “seize the promise and manage the risks” of AI, the White House has posted a status report.

U.S. physicians often receive payments from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. New research in JAMA found a connection between receiving such payments and using specific devices—should the industry be concerned? 

Five of the largest U.S. medical societies focused on cardiovascular health are one step closer to seeing their paradigm-shifting proposal become a reality.

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