Electronic medical records (EMR) are a digital version of a patient’s chart that store their personal information, medical history and links to prior exams, texts and reports. The goal of these systems is to enable immediate access to the patient's data electronically, rather than needing to request paper file folders that might be stored in fragment files at numerous locations where a patient is seen or treated. EMRs (also called electronic health records, or EHR) improve clinician and health system efficiency by making all this data immediately available. This helps reduce repeat tests, repeat prescriptions and repeat imaging exams because reports, imaging or other patient data is not not immediately available. 

EHR notes with less clinical information increase physician efficiency

Electronic health records (EHRs) that display less clinically relevant information could be more accurate and more satisfying for physicians, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.

November 30, 2017

Study finds correlation between EHR vendor, hospital meaningful use performance

Choosing an electronic health record (EHR) vendor can determine a hospital's ability to improve performance based on meaningful use criteria, according to a study published in the Journal of Informatics in Health and Biomedicine.

November 29, 2017

Alerts in EHRs increase rates of HPV vaccine

The clinical reminder function within electronic health records (EHRs) could lead to more individuals receiving the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, according to a study published in The American Journal of Managed Care.

November 21, 2017

51% of patients think EHRs make healthcare safer

A survey conducted by HealtheLink asked participants on their view of the safety of electronic health records (EHRs)—finding 51 percent of respondents believed EHRs by physicians and hospitals makes healthcare “more safe.”

November 14, 2017

Despite high EHR adoption, digital divide remains in advanced utilization

Although the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) has grown, evidence of how hospitals are using advanced EHR features is lacking. In a study presented at the 2017 American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, researchers analyzed EHR utilization to assess evidence of digital divides between health systems.

November 9, 2017

Medical scribes reduce documentation time by 3.2 minutes per patient encounter

One of the main complaints about electronic medical records (EMRs) from physicians is the time documentation takes away from the patient visit. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology, researchers evaluate the effect medical scribes have on clinical documentation.

November 3, 2017

1 in 4 four healthcare execs believes EMRs have helped meet consumer needs

Electronic medical records (EMRs) have the promise of increasing efficiency, but only 25 percent of healthcare executives agree the technology has helped achieve the growing needs of consumers, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute.

November 3, 2017

EMR malpractice claims increase over past decade

As the number of physician’s offices and hospitals implementing electronic medical records (EMRs) has increased so has the number of EMR-related medical malpractice claims, according to a report conducted by the Doctors Company, a large medical malpractice insurer.

October 18, 2017

Around the web

Half a year after President Biden officially directed federal agencies in the executive branch’s bailiwick to “seize the promise and manage the risks” of AI, the White House has posted a status report.

U.S. physicians often receive payments from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. New research in JAMA found a connection between receiving such payments and using specific devices—should the industry be concerned? 

Five of the largest U.S. medical societies focused on cardiovascular health are one step closer to seeing their paradigm-shifting proposal become a reality.

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