Legal News

Stories about physicians and other healthcare professionals involved in lawsuits—as either a plaintiff or a defendantor accused of breaking the law. Various legal updates or unusual stories in the news may land here.

artificial intelligence legal exposure

Healthcare AI and HIPAA compliance: 5 key legal questions + answers

Training AI for use in healthcare requires feeding algorithms patient data, and lots of it. This opens data custodians—typically hospitals—to various points of potential legal exposure.

October 10, 2023
man in prison behind bars

Lab owner confesses to $359M fraud involving COVID tests

A married couple operating a lab in California admit to billing Medicare for unnecessary rapid COVID tests.

October 9, 2023
cardiovascular emergency ambulance

Family of man who died of a heart attack settles lawsuit for $1.9M after error led to delayed care

EMTs waited outside the man's house for 13 minutes before finally entering. The delay, it turns out, was due to an error in the dispatcher's computer system. 

October 6, 2023

Cardiologist’s date rape trial scheduled for March

The 35-year-old cardiologist faces a total of 51 felony charges. He pleaded not guilty at his arraignment.

October 6, 2023
McGRATH MAC video laryngoscope

Medtronic warns of unauthorized sale of dangerous products

Before they were stolen, the McGRATH MAC laryngoscopes in question were set to be destroyed.

October 2, 2023
Judge bangs gavel

Florida nurse convicted in $200M Medicare fraud scheme, could spend decades in prison

Elizabeth Hernandez signed thousands of orders for unnecessary genetic tests and orthotic braces for patients she had not even examined, according to the DOJ.

September 25, 2023
unhappy desperate girl on psychiatric couch patient fraud

DOJ accuses addiction recovery providers of offering kickbacks to patients, running 'unsafe' facilities

Brookline-based Bournewood Health Systems and First Psychiatric Planners are also accused of pushing patients to attend facilities known to be overcrowded and dangerous. 

September 20, 2023
doctor in handcuffs after being arrested

Cardiologist to pay $6.5M after trading kickbacks for imaging referrals in complex fraud scheme

In addition to the hefty fine, the New York physician has agreed to relinquish ownership of his cardiology practice after exchanging kickbacks for PET and SPECT referrals for more than a decade.

September 20, 2023

Around the web

Half a year after President Biden officially directed federal agencies in the executive branch’s bailiwick to “seize the promise and manage the risks” of AI, the White House has posted a status report.

U.S. physicians often receive payments from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. New research in JAMA found a connection between receiving such payments and using specific devices—should the industry be concerned? 

Five of the largest U.S. medical societies focused on cardiovascular health are one step closer to seeing their paradigm-shifting proposal become a reality.

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